Deals with principles of Ayurvedic pharmacognosy and pharmacology with a special focus on identification of controversial drugs, adulterants and substitutes used in Ayurvedic practice. Ayurveda has developed a unique approach to understanding pharmacology of natural substances through meticulous analysis of taste, physico-chemical properties, potency and bio-transformation of the drug. Ayurveda traces the pathway of drug action right from the point of its ingestion through various stages of its digestion and metabolism to the point of its excretion from the body.
Ayurveda understands drug action as the net result of what happens when the drug acts on the body and the body acts on the drug. Dravyaguna deals knowledge of nomenclature (namajnana), pharmacognosy (rupajnana), pharmacology (gunajnana) and pharmacotherapeutics (yuktijnana). The hallmark of Ayurvedic pharmacology is its theoretical framework that attempts to understand complex interactions between various ingredients in a formulation that work in synergistic manner to produce a pharmacotherapeutic action that initiates the process of healing.
Herbal Garden

Dravyaguna Shastra is the branch which deals with the properties action and therapeutic effects of various dravyas (Matter or Drugs). Dravyaguna as a whole revolves around leveraging the medicinal abilities of various biological substances available from plants and species. Well developed Herbal Garden is maintained in the campus so that students can be given practical information and identity of various medicinal plants and how to use them to prepare medicines. In total 161 different medicinal plant species are available in our herbal garden in different numbers.